Let’s interact.

3122212995 Symmetri Marketing Group, LLC
40 E Huron Street, Suite 7D
Chicago, Illinois60611  

Helping doctors collaborate digitally to save lives.
  • B2B Brand Development
  • Web + Mobile
  • Content Creation






Carestream Health is a global provider of dental and medical imaging systems and healthcare IT solutions. As healthcare organizations push to centralize patient data, Carestream needed to introduce an enterprise-level solution. We developed global positioning with a messaging roadmap and framework that would allow Carestream to account for regional differences and elucidate technology that wasn’t yet fully developed.

Our solution, “The Clinical Collaboration Platform,” conveys the technology’s purpose – to foster collaboration among clinicians, patients and payers through a single platform for capturing, archiving, accessing and exchanging clinical images and data across hospitals and networks. We helped launch the solution at the largest tradeshow of the year by creating an engaging experience using whiteboards – the typical communications vehicle for IT departments – and an iPad app that would enable one-to-one encounters with a non-sales-like approach.


Getting to meaningful interactions.
Introducing a new platform in a crowded space required finding differentiation. We found that all other platforms were very focused on the technology and not on the end users. And in Carestream’s case, there were benefits to the platform for Patients and Payors. So, the creative work ensured that the human element of those who benefited from the technology was front and center.
This strategy has provided a roadmap for content development and microsite enhancements for over two years now. The strategy, approach and execution of this product launch has set a high bar within Carestream. Other product groups are using many of the same frameworks and documents for their launches.