Let’s interact.

3122274315 Symmetri Marketing Group, LLC
40 E Huron Street, Suite 7D
Chicago, Illinois60611  

Finally, architects will see the light. Save it. Then share it.
  • B2B Brand Development
  • Web + Mobile
  • Content Creation






Always known for the beauty and functionality of its lighting designs, Focal Point needed a website equal to the design quality and performance of its highly tailored fixtures. And it would need a site that could empower architects and lighting designers to envision aesthetic possibilities while understanding the new world of LED lighting and its technical requirements.



A new website, with minimalist framing, was designed to showcase the design nuances of each Focal Point product. An extensive photo gallery presenting scores of actual installations were included. And searchable luminaires, applications and resources help architects and lighting designers create optimally lit, extraordinarily beautiful spaces with confidence. 

Getting to meaningful interactions.
Focal Point’s new website enables visitors to place favorite products and technical resources into their own folders for easy access and to share with others. And it’s built to support future single sign-on and ERP integration for an even more interactive and personalized experience.

In just the first two months:
13% increase in users
20% increase in sessions
23% increase in page views
Saved Folder function used 350 times
Send and Quick Send used 1,500 times