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3122272187 Symmetri Marketing Group, LLC
40 E Huron Street, Suite 7D
Chicago, Illinois60611  

Keeping the leader in mileage reimbursement services in the lead.
  • B2B Brand Development
  • Web + Mobile
  • Content Creation






Founded in 1933, Runzheimer International created the category of business vehicle reimbursement services. While always an industry leader, their market share was being taken by both start up service firms and mobile app technology. Runzheimer needed a website that would reinforce its position as the leader in this space.

A new site elevated the Runzheimer brand in the marketplace to a modern, forward moving service and technology company while bringing clarity to the value of Runzheimer and what makes the organization unique in this space. We created a simple experience that is engaging, informative and helpful, while also showcasing Runzheimer's passion and dedication to customer care — a significant differentiator for the company in this space.

Getting to meaningful interactions.
This was a great opportunity to explore what bringing a storied and impressive brand into the future would look like. We anchored the refined Runzheimer brand in arresting and unexpected visuals and colors. A bold, modern look provided more confidence than its customers and competitors would likely expect. And enabled the brand to stay fresh and relevant for a long time into the future.
A significant goal of the website was to handle the surge in traffic at the beginning of January as drivers visit the website to login and submit their mileage logs. The new site received hundreds of thousands of visits a day for the better part of a week and not only did the site perform without any downtime, but users also commented that it was far easier and more convenient to use.